Good afternoon, i Am currently looking for any sea-going experience i have all valid certicates (stcw) and (opito) i studied at the maritime collage in Peterhead (seafish/merchant) learbned alot as a nav watch to rope splicing and ended right as the pandemic struck, finding a vessel to work fishing or even merchant has been a genuine struggle since then, I learned as much as i could and spoke to crew and skippers quite often with no real lead on what to do. and have kept practicing my knots where i can.
i am Drink and Drugs free i am genuinely keen to learn more and put in the effort to the best of my ability, just looking for the right place for myself and the crew/ship.
I am hard working and get on with everyone for the most part.
just crack on till the jobs done and i don’t usually beat around the bush either.
originally from south Africa and have been in the British forces sub 5 year and most recently work for an onshore well supply company as a banksman and worked quayside often.
I can provide a c.v and any further information that anyone would like to know.
Kind Regards.
Shaun W Holdaway