"It's like TripAdvisor for the fishing industry"
Bringing Fishing Boats & Fishing Crew Together
Modernising the crew finding experience by taking the guesswork out of the equation. Know who you are hiring instantly.

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what our clients have to say
“Scrabster Seafoods have used Fish and Ships when looking to recruit crew and have found that they offer an extremely efficient, well managed and thorough service"
Will CalderScrabster Seafoods Limited 
“We're really excited about this development. A one stop shop for recruitment is something UK Fishing has needed for a long time. We can't wait to see how it develops."
Beshlie PoolExecutive Officer of South Devon and Channel Shellfishermen Ltd 
"Fish and Ships has a great idea, it has saved me so much time finding crew, there is no need to go anywhere else."
Ivan BateManaging Director 
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